From the 01 August 2024

From 01 August to 31 August

With family or friends, dive into Explor'Games, a digital treasure hunt inspired by escape games. Come and experience unique moments in the heart of nature.
Also on site: tree climbing

Every day from 1pm to 7pm in July and August
Booking and contact:
06 52 06 97 69
Coming by public transport :
Accessible by bus on lines A, B and D. Stops: 8 Mai or Michelet.
À savoir: Le Parc des Loups se trouve dans la Base de Loisirs de Saint-Leu-d'Esserent : billet d'entrée en sus


Adult rate 34 €


From 01 August to 31 August
Monday Open from 13h à 19h
Tuesday Open from 13h à 19h
Wednesday Open from 13h à 19h
Thusday Open from 13h à 19h
Friday Open from 13h à 19h
Saturday Open from 13h à 19h
Sunday Open from 13h à 19h
