Thanks to the richness of the heritage of the City of Senlis, each historical period can be evoked with the pupils (from the Gallo-Roman era to today).

This is why we offer visits adapted to school programs. We can also study together other topics that you would like to discuss.
These educational outings are also intended for leisure centres, in particular the following subjects: Treasure hunt for kings and queens, the ecological park, the herbarium, etc.

  • Alicia and Morgan are on hand to advise you and help you prepare your guided tour. You can contact them on 03 75 90 00 53.

Guided tours last 2 hours. The price per service and per class (maximum 30 pupils) is €150.

Find below all the themes we offer or download the complete file:

  • Construction of the cathedral

Visit of the Notre-Dame de Senlis cathedral and analysis of construction techniques, materials, the work of craftsmen...
Goals : Discover the cathedral and acquire a new architectural vocabulary.
Support provided upon request : notebook of the Little Builder “The cathedral”.
Audience : cycles 2 (CP, CE1 and CE2) and 3 (CM1, CM2 and 6th), College.

  • Architecture and urbanism

Observation of stone constructions, half-timbered buildings, important monuments (the cathedral, the royal castle, the town hall), the layout of the streets, the wall...
Goals : Find traces of the medieval past in our environment and learn to read a city map.
Support provided upon request : notebook of the Little Historian "The city in the Middle Ages".
Audience : cycles 2 (CP, CE1 and CE2) and 3 (CM1, CM2 and 6th) and middle school.

  • The man and the animal in the sculpted decor of the city

Walk the streets and look for human and animal representations in sculpture.
Goals : Learn to scrutinize the details in our immediate environment. Educate the gaze to catch clues.
Materials provided on request: Little Explorer notebook "sculpture in the city"
Audience : Round 1

  • Medieval Senlis

Discovery of the rampart founded by Philippe-Auguste, and research of street names, signs and links with the activities of the city in the Middle Ages.
Objective : Understand life in the Middle Ages with concrete examples.
Support provided upon request : notebook of the Little Historian “Life in the city in the Middle Ages.
Audience : Cycles 2 (CP, CE1 and CE2) and 3 (CM1, CM2 and 6ème), middle school.

  • Gallo-Roman Senlis

The foundation of Augustomagus and its history, the Gallo-Roman remains in the city: Gallo-Roman walls and arenas and archaeological collections from the Museum of Art and Archaeology.
Goal : Discover life in Gaul by observing the many remains of Senlis.
Support provided upon request : Notebook of the little archaeologist “Augustomagus”.
Audience : cycle 3 (CM1, CM2, 6th), College.

  • life in an abbey

Visit of the Saint-Maurice priory and the Saint-Vincent abbey.
Goals : Discover the life of the monks. Understand an adapted architecture.
Support provided upon request : Notebook of the little historian “The abbey and the monks”.
Audience : cycle 3 (CM1, CM2 and 6th), College.

  • The cathedral and its decor

Observation of statues, stained glass, furniture, organs, the west portal...
Objective : deepen the visit of the cathedral.
Support provided upon request : quiz
Audience : Cycle 3 (CM1, CM2 and 6th), College.

  • Hugh and the Capetian dynasty

Discovery of historical traces of the presence of Hugues Capet in Senlis.
Goals : Find out who Hugues Capet was, founder of the Capetian dynasty in Senlis. 
Audience : cycle 3 (CM1, CM2, 6th).

  • Treasure hunt of kings and queens

Evocation of the stays of kings and queens in Senlis in front of the ruins of the castle then search for traces of kings and queens in the city in the form of a treasure hunt.
Goal : Linking the History of Senlis to the History of France.
Support provided: Track game.
Audience : Cycle 3 (CM1, CM2 and 6th), College.

  • Senlis and the Great War

On August 1, 1914 at 5 p.m., general mobilization, the tocsin was sounded at the cathedral.
Objective : A visit retracing the daily life of the Senlisiens during the first months of the war and explaining the martyrdom of the city, as well as the tragic end of six hostages.
Materials provided on request: Diary of a Senlisien at the time of the facts.
Audience : Cycle 3 (CM1, CM2 and 6ème) and college.

  • Senlis after 1918, the return to Peace

Visit evoking post-war reconstructions, the Croix de Guerre, commemorative monuments, the memory of mankind...
Goal : Transmitting the memory of the Great War to Senlis.
Audience : 3rd and high school.

  • Discovery and exploration of the ecological park

Discovery and exploration of the ecological park.

Objectives by cycle:
– Cycle 1 (small, medium and large section): Discover and explore the environment, water, fauna, flora. Raise awareness of nature.
– Cycle 2 (CP, CE1 and CE2): Raising awareness of the role of a park. Discover the living world and the interaction between living beings and their environment. Water, source of life.
– Cycle 3 (CM1, CM2 and 6ème): Analyze the living world. Raise awareness of the role of a park, the conservation and preservation of biodiversity.
– College: Preservation and conservation of biodiversity. Interaction between living beings and their environment. Influence of man on the environment (population of the environment).

Support provided upon request : Nature's Boyfriend's Notebook.

  • water in the city

Discovery of the course of the water in the city, evocation of the trades and the small heritage linked to water (washhouses, mills, gargoyles, etc.) and the Nonette river.
Goal : Understanding the water circuit in a city.
Support provided upon request : Little explorer's notebook “Water”.
Audience : cycle 2 (CP, CE1 and CE2)

  • Herbarium

In addition to the visit to the ecological park, create a herbarium with the leaves and branches collected and then dried by the students.
Goal : Become familiar with common essences or species by designing a scientific or imaginary herbarium and by approaching the idea of the collection.
Stand provided : Paper, cardboard, plants.
Audience : cycle 1 (PS, MS and GS), cycle 2 (CP, CE1, CE2), cycle 3 (CM1, CM2 and 6th), College.

  • Indoor workshops
    The workshops can take place in class (on estimate) or in a room in Senlis (subject to availability).

    The workshops last 2 hours (except for the mosaic workshop*). The price per service and per class (maximum 30 pupils) is €170.


Levels concerned: Cycle 2, 3 and middle school
Evocation of the work of the copyist monk and introduction to pen and ink.
Concepts covered: Make a drop cap or an illuminated card.
Materials provided: Ink, pen, map.


Levels concerned: Cycle 2, 3 and middle school
Description: Discovery of coats of arms and specific vocabulary of heraldry.
Concepts covered: Make a simple coat of arms
Materials provided: Cardboard, paint.

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