29 September 2024

29 September

Chantilly is not just a town of princes and horses. In the 19th century, the Nonette valley was the site of the development of a working-class district linked to the factories set up along the canals. From the rue de la Machine to the allotment gardens, via the Potter factory, the Porte Richard-Lenoir and the Guilleminot factories, discover the industrial history of Chantilly in the 19th and 20th centuries.

RDV place Omer Vallon, near the fountain.
Duration: 1h30
6 per person, free for under-18s.


Adult rate 6 €


29 September
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thusday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Open from 15h à 16h30
