29 April 2025

29 April

Tandem Immobilier's Eco'Logis service offers workshops for living better at home, being more respectful of the environment while reducing bills!

Participez à un atelier fabrication de produits ménagers pour la salle de bain (pierre d'argile). Découvrez des astuces d'entretien pour la maison avec des conseils économiques et écologiques.

Registration by phone at 03 44 67 21 84 or by email at ecologis@aivs60.org
Meet at the Eco'Logis educational apartment 21 avenue Saint-Exupéry in Nogent-sur-Oise

Go there by bus with the AXO network line C1/C2 stop "Branly".


29 April
Monday Closed
Tuesday Open from 14h à 15h30
Wednesday Closed
Thusday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
