Find here the list of associations members of the Tourist Office

Home of the French Cities of Senlis (AVF)
4 Place de Creil
60300 Senlis
T.: 03 44 60 94 19
AVF Senlis supports you by offering you a friendly meeting place and all kinds of activities that will allow you to better integrate into the social and community life of our town of Senlis.

Friends of the Senlis Library
15 B route de Compiègne
60300 Chantant
T.: 06 67 53 03 90
Interest readers in library activities, provide financial support, promote and help the development of reading, the influence of the library through educational actions with schools, develop public relations, exhibitions.

Friends of the Chantilly Lace Museum
34 rue d'Aumale
60500 Chantilly
Our association was created in 2016, "heir" to
the association created in 1985 by two Cantileans,
lacemakers in love with a local heritage whose
memory was fading. They managed to compose a collection
important that our association continues to enrich and

ART et AMITIÉ Association Senlisienne d'Artistes
12 bis rue d'Aumale
60500 Chantilly
Created in 2001: The association brings together painters, sculptors, photographers, visual artists, illustrators...
It also organises monthly workshops in printmaking, watercolours and a range of artistic expression themes.
The aim of the association is to promote regional artists who are keen to share their passion. Simplicity and good humour are the order of the day, in a spirit of friendship.
We organise two shows a year in Saint-Pierre church". Printemps des Arts and at the Prieuré St-Maurice the "Salon d'Automne", which is a "Salon d'Automne". Special small formats ".

Association of Independent Artists of Senlis (ADAIS)
44 avenue de la Muette
60300 Senlis
Created in 1983, Adaïs promotes Contemporary Arts. We are open to artists from Senlis and its region as well as those from planet Earth! We organize the SENLIS.ARTFAIR, one of the most important visual arts events in the Oise.

Association Lamorlaye Memory and Hospitality
62 6th Avenue
60260 Lamorlaye
T. 06 22 05 42 36
We have joined forces with Mémoire & Accueil because we believe that newcomers are better able to integrate into their local community if they are interested in its history. We're trying to bring the people of Lamorlaye together around a common identity, which (thanks to our work over the last 20 years!) we've been rediscovering. We're doing this by asking people for their memories, by researching archives and writings, and by studying our environment.

A.S.C.E Chantilly
Chantilly Town Hall
11 avenue du Maréchal Joffre
The Association de Sauvegarde de Chantilly et de son Environnement is made up of around a hundred enthusiasts who work to offer conferences, cultural visits and publications all year round, always in connection with the Princely City.

Collegium of Senlis
1 rue Rameau
60300 Senlis
the Collegium of Senlis is a group of amateurs, choir and orchestra, meeting once a week. The simple pleasure of to sing and playing together constitutes, in itself, a strong motivation, guaranteeing shared happiness and solid friendships.

Lamorlaye School of Music
8 Deer Alley
T. 06 07 82 44 99
The School of Music of Lamorlaye, EML has a rich experience of more than 50 years and its teachers are graduates of national and regional conservatories as well as the Ecole Normale de Musique in Paris.
The Lamorlaye School of Music welcomes children from the age of four and adults wishing to learn or improve in instrumental or vocal practice, to train in reading scores and to cultivate themselves musically, to play or sing in a group (choir, orchestra, ensemble, etc.) or in individual lessons.

Haubergier de Senlis Choral Ensemble
1 Place Henri IV
60300 Senlis
T.: 06 70 05 52 20
Open to all, the Haubergier Choral Ensemble has always sought to give quality concerts, with the desire to extend a little more each year the musical culture which is its primary goal, in particular by involving the participation of musicians and high level soloists.
The Ensemble Choral du Haubergier de Senlis, founded in 1977 by Jacqueline Trévu, now has around fifty amateur choristers from the Senlis region, all united by the love of choral singing.

Lions Club Senlis Three Forests
Town hall of Senlis
3 Place Henri IV
60300 Senlis
Throughout the world, Lions Clubs International brings together Men and Women whose humanitarian and humanist actions contribute to the well-being of Humanity while respecting each person's dignity and freedom.
The Lions Club of Senlis organizes every year in November the Salon des Vins in the Ordener district of Senlis.

The Minstrel
2 avenue du General de Gaulle
Phone: 03 44 58 02 90
Le Ménestrel, the Conservatoire de Musique de Chantilly et de l'Aire Cantilienne, is a specialised arts teaching establishment with 40 teachers, welcoming over 500 pupils for instrumental and vocal training, from the age of 3 months with its Bébissimos® workshops.
It is recognised as a departmental resource centre for early childhood music education. It also carries out outreach activities, promoting artistic and cultural education, democratisation, awareness-raising and cultural mediation, with easier access to music (schools, EHPAD, crèches, media libraries, etc.).
Le Ménestrel, convinced that playing together is the best way to pass on music, has developed its school project around collective orchestral and choral practice, as well as training initiatives, masterclasses, international exchanges, festivals and numerous concerts!

Rotary Club of Chantilly
60500 Chantilly
Our club has developed over time and perpetuated flagship actions that allow it to finance and support many causes for health, youth, culture...
Our desire is to meet the needs of the local fabric. We remain attentive to the inhabitants of the territory of the Cantilian area and further afield, when the need is too crying out.

The Safeguard of Senlis
BP 40205
60306 Senlis Cedex
Preserve, save, protect and enhance the historical, archaeological and artistic riches of Senlis and its surroundings.

La Sylve
Coye-la-Forêt Town Hall
Place de la Mairie
60580 Coye-la-Forêt
An association dedicated to protecting and promoting the natural and cultural heritage of Coye-la-Forêt and the surrounding area.
Among other things, it organises weekly walks and lectures.

Society of History and Archeology of Senlis
47 rue du Chatel
60300 Senlis
A society of enlightened amateurs: curious about the history of the town of Senlis, its personalities, its evolution within the department of Oise but also interested in archeology and ancient, classical, modern and contemporary arts.
A rich and varied program: conferences, cultural visits, symposiums, national or departmental exhibitions and events, a monthly liaison sheet (the Tablets), a volume of Reports and Memoirs offered every 2 years.

The Tintinophiles are us
6 route des Sablières
T.: 03 44 63 12 25 or 06 15 11 21 44
Bring together fans of Hergé's work around conferences, events and themed exhibitions.

The Trumpets of Flanache
7 Castle Street
60800 Fresnoy-Le-Luat
T. Tel.: 06 08 78 58 50 or 06 82 23 41 27
Les Trompes are at your disposal to promote all events such as seminars, inaugurations, receptions, wedding mass, as well as to enhance dinners and buffets.
They bring their assistance for the good progress of your meetings, by giving a musical and melodious note of a natural instrument emanating from our inheritance and our traditions.