24 October 2024

24 October

As part of the Maison de la Pierre's 10th anniversary celebrations, the Tourist Office is inviting children aged 7 to 11 to discover the traces left by the old quarrymen in the village of Cramoisy.
During this supervised rally, punctuated by riddles, games and anecdotes, children will learn how the villagers quarried and transported stone, and will explore the streets in search of these old quarries, which were also used to feed and house the people of Cramois in the last century.

Rdv sur le parking derrière l'église de Cramoisy à 14h15
Public: Family, children aged 7 to 11 / 2 km route / Duration: 1h30
Provide walking shoes.
Children must be accompanied and remain the responsibility of their parents.

Reservation required at the Tourist Office by telephone on 03 75 19 01 70 or by email at the address bienvenu@creilsudoise-tourisme.fr or on the online ticket office www.creilsudoise-tourisme.fr


Single price 2 €


24 October
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thusday Open from 14h30 à 16h
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
