19 July 2025

From 05 April to 26 October

Chaque samedi, d'avril à octobre, cette visite vous permettra de (re)découvrir le patrimoine de Senlis par ses principaux sites :
- The park and the remains of the royal castle, where Hugues Capet was elected in 987.
- Notre-Dame Cathedral, an open book on four centuries of Gothic art.
- The Gallo-Roman wall, most of which still survives.
- The medieval streets and town houses.

Billetterie et départ au bureau de Senlis à 14h30. Réservation conseillée car nombre de places limité. Durée 1h30


Single price 6 €


From 05 April to 26 October
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thusday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday Ouvre à 14h30
Sunday Closed
