14 March 2025

14 March

Tandem Immobilier's Eco'Logis service offers workshops for living better at home, being more respectful of the environment while reducing bills!

Le 14 mars, le 8 avril et le 2 mai, participez à une initiation au jardinage.
Plantation de semis, échanges sur des fruits et légumes de saison, insectes du jardin, etc.
Lancez-vous dans le jardinage, même en appartement!

Workshop available for children.
Registration by phone at 03 44 67 21 84 or by email at ecologis@aivs60.org
Meet at the Eco'Logis educational apartment 21 avenue Saint-Exupéry in Nogent-sur-Oise


14 March
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thusday Closed
Friday Open from 14h à 15h30
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
