24 April 2025

From 24 April to 25 April

One Thursday and one Friday a month at 2.30pm, the museums offer an introduction to art history. Through the collections, exhibitions and other themes, you'll learn how to read a work of art, recognise techniques and question genres and artistic trends.
La conférence s'intéressera aux différents aspects de l'égyptomanie, dont les répercussions se font encore sentir aujourd'hui.

Price: €3 plus admission.
Inscription conseillée au 03 44 24 86 72 ou à musees@ville-senlis.fr


Single price 3 €


From 24 April to 25 April
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thusday Ouvre à 14h30
Friday Ouvre à 14h30
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
