05 December 2024

05 December

Compagnie L'Oublié(e) -
Raphaëlle Boitel

"Her family could be ours. Her story is the story of many women. Our role is to get people talking.

In Ombres portées, Raphaëlle Boitel writes the story of K., a young woman with a broken heart who tries to talk to her father in order to escape her family's silence. And she comes up against the shadows cast by everyone around her.

From 10 years old
Running time: 1 hour 10 minutes
Information and bookings on www.faiencerie-theatre.com / 03 44 24 01 01 or accueil@faiencerie-theatre.com

NEW! Your bus ticket is free on presentation of your show ticket!
Get there by bus! Bus lines A, B and D stop "Michelet" or "8 mai".
or suggest or find your carpooling journey on www.passpasscovoiturage.fr


Reduced price 21 €
Adult rate 26 €


05 December
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thusday Open from 20h à 21h
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
