29 November 2024

29 November

Don Juan scandalises and Don Juan fascinates, with his elegance, irreverence and freedom. Traversing a carnival world, surrounded by masks, the character recreated by the Agence de Voyages Imaginaires overturns all codes, without exception. In five acts, like so many whimsical tableaux, the "great lord bad man" becomes a woman, the better to explore the issues at stake in Molière's play.
Set to techno-electro-classical tunes, this "heart to love the whole world" is a total spectacle, with five artists transforming themselves to play the nineteen characters in the play. And don't arrive too late... the artists' dressing rooms will be open to the four winds, in the very hall of our Faïencerie!

After the show, the artists of the Agence de Voyages Imaginaires invite you to their table for a gourmet cabaret in the Salle de la Manufacture.
Meal on reservation: Starter, main course, dessert and drink
Adults €13.50 / Under 12s €8.50
From age 8 / Running time: approx. 1? hours (show only)

Information and booking at the faïencerie-théâtre
NEW! Your bus ticket is free on presentation of your show ticket!
Get there by bus! Bus lines A, B and D stop "Michelet" or "8 mai".
Or offer or find your carpooling journey on www.passpasscovoiturage.fr


Reduced price 5 €
Adult rate 21 €


29 November
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thusday Closed
Friday Open from 19h à 20h30
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
