28 January 2025

28 January

L'atelier de la Pierre d'Angle vous ouvre ses portes mardi 28 janvier de 10h à 12h et de 13h30 à 16h pour vous faire découvrir les métiers de la taille de pierre et de la rénovation du bâti ancien. Vous pourrez rencontrer les formateurs de ce lieu de formation hors du commun installé dans une ancienne carrière de pierre à ciel ouvert, visiter la salle de classe et les plateaux techniques et admirer les œuvres des anciens élèves.

Are you curious about the stone industry? Are you wondering about your career path and considering a career change? Young or old, these visits are for you! Take advantage of these special opportunities to meet the instructors and talk to them about the stone-cutting and ancient building masonry courses that they offer in continuing education or on a 1-year sandwich course.

Free admission.

For further information, please send your questions by e-mail to the following address:
contact.cfp-picardie@apprentis-auteuil.org or by telephone on 03 44 55 35 56


28 January
Monday Closed
Tuesday Open from 10h à 12h and from 13h30 à 16h
Wednesday Closed
Thusday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed


