04 October 2025

04 October

This literary visit takes you in the footsteps of great writers that the City of Senlis has inspired such as Gérard de Nerval, Alexandre Dumas, Henri Leblanc or Daniel Boulanger.
From Place Gérard de Nerval to Rue de Meaux, in the places they frequented, you will discover the story of their presence in these places.
You will savor excerpts from the most beautiful texts by these authors: poetry, fables, dialogues...
An intense emotional experience that will make you want to immerse yourself in the masterpieces of French literature.

Réservation fortement conseillée, nombre de places limité. Départ et billetterie à l'Office de tourisme, bureau de Senlis. Durée 1h30


Single price 6 €


04 October
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thusday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday Ouvre à 16h30
Sunday Closed
