From the 01 October 2024

From 01 October to 31 October

Did you know that the last remaining clouter factory in France and Europe is in Creil? Listed as a Living Heritage Company, you can visit this very unusual factory!
It's a chance to step into a timeless atmosphere, where the sheds, the roofs so characteristic of the factories of Zola's time, stand side by side with century-old machines. As you follow your guide, Justine, you'll discover what makes them so special, how they work and what makes them so unique!

Booking and contact:
07 69 85 69 60
The €120 package is for a maximum of 10 people.
Venir en transports en commun : En bus : Ligne A Arrêt : Verdun
À savoir : Tous les jours du lundi au vendredi, à l'heure souhaitée : réservez votre créneau pour une visite privative ! Moins de 10 ? Rendez-vous les mercredis à 14h (sur réservation également). Tout public, dès 5 ans
Chaussures fermées obligatoires. Usine sous verrière : chaud en été, froid en hiver, couvrez-vous en conséquence !


Single price 120 €


From 01 October to 31 October
Monday Open
Tuesday Open
Wednesday Open
Thusday Open
Friday Open
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed


